Artworks by Sheila Coppola
Detail of Breathing, 2020, tarpaper collage
I trained as a painter and printmaker at the University of Washington, graduating in 1982 with a BFA in painting. After graduation, I was fortunate to attend The Skowhegan School of Painting & Sculpture in Maine. In 1986 I co-founded, (with Charles Matson), Ink on Paper, a studio dedicated to artist/printer collaboration in lithography. In 1996 I established Sidereal Fine Art Press, an intaglio & relief printmaking studio located in Tukwila, Washington.
My artwork combines painting, printing, and collage and is subtly three-dimensional. It is inspired by the poetry of George Oppen. My pursuit of a personal visual language of “distilled forms” mirrors Oppens pursuit of a literary language of “little words.” I aim to gather information into images that embody an “objectification of significant particulars”. The meaning in my work is layered, much like poetry, and speaks to our relationships with each other, with our environment and with our memories and dreams. Think of them as “Poetic cartoons”.
My paintings, prints and collages have been included in local, national and international group shows as well as in private collections. I live in Tukwila with my husband and cat, and serve as a Tukwila Arts Commissioner. I am an active participant in the Duwamish River Artist Residency and I am passionate about using art as a way to move us all towards a healthier and more equitable planet.
— Sheila Coppola