Things I Saw While Walking, 2021, collage, 11.5” x 24.5”
The Duwamish River Artists Residency 2019 - 2023
I believe it was in the spring of 2017 that Gene McMahon first contacted me about the possibility of working with the Duwamish River Artist Residency, to create a portfolio of prints. At that time I knew little about the group although I was familiar with some of the artists. I said let’s talk about it. In the process of talking, they invited me to tag along at one of their week long residencies to see what they were doing and to meet everyone. Little did I know how much the association with these thirteen artists would affect me, my personal work, my vision and my practice. Drawing, painting and collecting imagery and information with these fine folks, along the banks of this magnificent albeit severely damaged river, affected me in a way I can barely describe and certainly had not imagined possible. It connected me to new individuals and communities while expanding my knowledge of ecology and history of the area, it increased my understanding of meaningful collaboration and it opened my mind to the possibilities of incorporating the landscape into my work. It taught me the power of place and the importance of consciously seeking out new environments and experiences as a meaningful way to “fill the well” and generate ideas and momentum. The resulting collages, shown below are various combinations of paint, handmade and Japanese papers, tar paper, print remnants, found materials, pen & ink, pencil and stitching.
— Sheila Coppola
For purchases, please inquire.
Life Raft 1, 2019, 9" x 11.5"
Duwamish River Fisherman with Stumps ,2019. 11" x 9" - SOLD
Duwamish River Fishermen with Logs, 2019, 22" x 27.5"
Duwamish River Rabbit on Logs, 2019, 15" x 21" - SOLD
Log Raft, 2019, 11" x 9"
Night View, 2020, 5" x 18"
Things I Saw While Walking, 2021, 11.5" x 24.5"
Gillian on the River in the Rain, 2021, 19" x 16"
Upside Down, 2021, 13" x 38.5"
Waterfowl, 2021, 24" x 18.5"
Decay, 2020, 8" x 13"
Duwamish Study 1, 2020, 7" x 9"
Warning, 2021, 12" x 16.5" - SOLD